Special message for ship crew during the COVID 19 Pandemic

Special message for ship crew

Special message for ship crew:

As a member of the cruise ship crew community, I wanted to reach out to crew members to let them know that in due time everything will work out as it should. Until then, it is very important that you take good care of yourself and the persons around you.

These are uncertain and ever-changing times. As is the fact with life generally. The pandemic is just what is trending now. It is not the first and it will not be the last. We need to discipline ourselves to adjust. This crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic is seemingly beyond our control. We all just have to play our part, and at the same time, maintain our sanity. Panic and impulsive behavior are not the things we want to allow to take hold of our lives.

The crisis affects many individuals and businesses worldwide. So, understand that you are not alone. We all have had to make sacrifices in one way or another. As most countries have closed their borders, you can very well imagine (in fact, you see clearly) that it is especially devastating to the travel industry.  Because of this, many ships have taken their cruise ships out of service for an undetermined period of time. 

Time and time again, you have heard that a positive attitude attracts positive things. So please, do not indulge on all the negative aspects of the pandemic. It is serious, yes. It is frightening. However, worrying about it (like anything else in life) will not make it better. It simply robs you of your happiness and the time you could be using to do something that nurtures your body and mind. This crisis gives us time to deeply think on what really matters – becoming and encouraging others to become decent, responsible and selfless human beings.

What does this mean for crew members? From one crew member to another, here is my special message to ship crew:

For crew members at home

1. There might not be any onboard assignments for the foreseeable future. Keep up to date with your hiring agency or company. Do not lose hope.

2. There is a strong almost definite possibility that you will have to do a full medical before returning to work (whenever that is), even if you just did one, like myself, to return to work in March 2020. So, stay healthy.

3. We expect to be out of work for a while. Which means you might have to seek a land-based alternative. This might prove to be a challenge for most, but be creative and try.

4. Use your time wisely. For example:

  • Do exercise routines – there are so many on YouTube. I am sure you can find one that works for you
  • Do free online courses – like Open University or edX
  • Watch motivational videos – like TED Talks
  • Learn a new language – like on the Duolingo App or any other free language learning app
  • Lose yourself in action – clean the entire house (walls, ceiling, floor windows, everything), cook your own food, do something new with your hair
  • Do research – about trends in your profession, so you can be even more qualified when you start working again

5. Spend money wisely. Be wise in terms of what you eat and the frequency at which you eat. Buy items that have longer shelf life and can be eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Now is not the time for necessities, not luxuries. Try to be a minimalist, in every sense of the word for now.

6. Use the time to reflect. Reflect on the fact that many of the countries that now have their borders closed, were once places you visited many times. Think about how good it is to be able to work and have the opportunity to do so. Reflect on being alive to try again another day. Remember – Its’ not over till the fat lady sings.

For crew members on board a ship

1. You might not be sure when you will sign off. I know its hard, but try not to dwell on that too much. BE happy wherever you are.

2. If there are no positive cases of coronavirus on the vessel, then count yourselves lucky and take joy in that fact

3. Stay healthy. Eat, drink plenty of water, discipline yourself to use the crew gym (and guest gym if you are allowed now)

4. Use the time to get to know your fellow crew. Relate to them and uplift each other.

5. Be grateful that:

  • Unlike so many others, you still have a job.
  • You have food and shelter at no cost to you, and some of you will now be getting free Wi-fi
  • There are no guests on board, so that’s less people to interact with, and less chances of contraction of COVID-19
  • You are not required to travel through a contaminated area. I know you miss your family, but many of us at home, cannot do much for them while we are here either way.

In ending this special message to ship crew, I leave you with some of my favourite songs for upliftment and reflection. Stay positive… ALWAYS.




May 8, 2020 at 7:02 pm

It’s easy to mention any long comments . Me as crew for a long period of time with my company so far I didn’t hear any action from.the workn union that i and the rest of crew paying for each months 10 dollar per crew for work union is a big amount of u dnt know . This this unexpected moment is a big challenge for us especially when at home because the shortage is money is a big role .

    May 9, 2020 at 2:28 pm

    Hi Arvind. Thank you for the comment. I love hearing from my fellow crew.

    I am sorry you have not heard anything from the union, but I really hope you do soon. Can you contact them and maybe see if they can reduce the payment or remove it until work restarts?
    Yes, this is a very big challenge for all of us, but I am hoping we can all stay strong and keep holding on until the situation changes. I know its harder for some than others. So even if you just need a friend to talk to, I am here for support.

Titia koopman
May 10, 2020 at 3:47 pm

I find your article incredibly condescending in view of the fact that crewmember are still being globally ostracized and treated like pariahs. Just yesterday two crewmembers ended their lives by suicide out of sheer desperation. No amount of optimism or online learning will resolve this. If you have an audience, if you have a forum, utilize it for calling attention to the site and immediate needs.

    May 10, 2020 at 4:51 pm

    Hi Titia, thank you for your response.

    Firstly Titia, I certainly do apologise if for any reason you feel that I was being condescending. That is not my intention. And I have no reason in the world to be. I have spoken to my fellow crew both on land and at sea and they were the ones that encouraged me to try and reach more people. Because, many messaged me with their concerns, their fears and unhappiness with the current situation. I spoke to them and they felt better. They felt good that I listened and tried to make them smile. And that made me happy. Why? Because being of service to others makes you appreciate the different struggles and opens your mind to learning about them.

    You see Titia, I do not really have an audience. I am just one girl, on a very small island, living day to day on the little savings left from my last contract and I am trying in my own way to encourage people to take a different view of all the chaos, a view that I hope will make them feel better within themselves, even if the circumstances they are in are not ideal (I know this feeling too well). I have been at home for 5 months now, very uncertain about the furture. But somehow, when I am talking with others and hearing them laugh, I don’t worry too much about myself.

    I have no wealth, I am not famous or well known in anyway (so I don’t really have an audience or a forum), but through my own struggles and the struggles of others, I have found that its best to take each day as it comes, and do so with a grateful heart. Do so understanding that life has and will forever have its challenges. Companies will do whats in their best interest. Governments will be deceitful and corrupt. People will be cruel toward each other. Sorrow and misfortune seem to be more popular than happiness and hope. But even with all of that Titia, I still try. And I want others to try as well. That is my hope, for us all to keep moving forward and keep trying. It is easier said than done, I know, believe me, I know. But I am also naive enough to believe that anything is possible, and we can try to be as happy as we can possibly be wherever we are placed in this life… or die trying as my daddy used to say.

    So again, Titia I am sorry you feel that way. I am just trying to a the little that I can, in my little corner.

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April 17, 2020