Communicating effectively with other cultures

Communicating effectively with other cultures can be challenging, if you allow it to be. This challenge does not mean that living and working with several different cultures on a cruise ship ship will be a problem. “Communication is the imparting or exchanging […]

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Special message for ship crew

Special message for ship crew: As a member of the cruise ship crew community, I wanted to reach out to crew members to let them know that in due time everything will work out as it should. Until then, it is very […]

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Terms to know on a ship

If you are new to sea life, there maybe some terms used on the ship, that you would not otherwise hear on land. But no worries, they are very easy terms to remember. And besides, once you get your “sea legs”, then […]

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Working with different cultures on a cruise ship

Working on a cruise ship means working and living with persons from cultures different from your own. No two persons are exactly the same, so logically, there will be slight differences in how we behave, with or without the cultural differences. This […]

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Is the Training and Recruitment Centre (TRC) a scam?

Is the Training and Recruitment Centre (Jamaica) a scam? So many persons have asked this question. And rightly so. Because there are many agencies promising local, overseas and cruise ship employment, but then it never materialises. These companies take advantage of the […]

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Top things for ship crew to do in port?

There are several options when you think of “what can ship crew do in port”. So, now you have some free time after working from 0830hrs to 1330hrs. After which, you will return to work for 1700hrs to 2200hrs. This means, you […]

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Crew activities on a cruise ship

Crew activities on a cruise ship can be exciting. The cruise ship will be your home for the duration of your contract. Usually after a hard day’s work, you want to relax and have some down time. So, there are several organised […]

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How to apply for a cruise ship job

The first step of applying for a job working on cruise ship is fairly simple. However, getting the job is up to you, the experience you have, the recruiter and the pool of candidates already in the system. Also, from experience, I […]

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Make the most of your time on a ship

Make the most of your time on a ship once you are on board. Working on a cruise ship gives you a unique experience where you operate in a dynamic and exciting work environment. It is also a great opportunity to explore […]

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Crew cabins on a cruise ship

Ever wondered about the crew cabins on a cruise ship? Well, a ship is designed to carry hundreds, sometimes thousands of guests and crew. For this reason, the space is used as efficiently as possible. This is to comfortably accommodate all the […]

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