Potato Pancakes
Potato Pancakes anyone!This is one of the easiest recipes you will follow today. Try it and let me know how it runs out.
1 lb – Potatoes, grated
1 – Egg, beaten
1 – Onion, minced
3 1/4 tbsp – Flour
1/2 tbsp – Baking powder
Mixed spice or Nutmeg to taste
Salt and Pepper to taste

1 – Peel and grate potatoes
2 – In a bowl, combine potatoes and all other ingredients
3. Heat a frying pan with oil
4. Drop pancake sized (or what you prefer) mixture in hot oil
5. Fry until brown on one side first. Turn only once
6. Remove pancakes from pan onto paper towel
Serves: 2 (3 pancakes each, 6 pancakes total)